as i have slightly, not really, just a little bit, grown up this summer, i have learned a multitude of things.
1.) just because you were someone or some way before, doesn't mean you have to be the same for the rest of your life. now i'm all about staying true to yourself, but college is a place for fresh starts. you don't have to change who you are on the inside, but you could do a little revamping to the outside. those of you who know me, are gonna find this totally shocking, but i am now a fashionista. so change something that could make you into a better person or better looking person, such as talking to God more, or exercising daily. that last one is not for me.
2.) some friends drift away, and some friends stay. you always think you're gonna have the same friends your whole life, but it's up to you to keep them there. if you want a friend to stay in your life, you need to make an effort to keep those friends a part of your little world. always remember, you're probably gonna make new friends in college. so make sure you at least keep some of your old friends or get some new ones so you'll have bridesmaids for your wedding.
3.) i learned to knit. not exactly inspirational like the last two points, but that was just too much seriousness. i kinda feel like i have grown up as much as i possibly could with this knitting experience because knitting is for grandmas. i am now a grandma, and therefore, very grown up. but i actually just wanted to learn to feed my new obsession for scarves. i'm gonna make that wondrous cowl knit sweater that your eyes are feasting on to the right, except mine will be a lovely chocolate brown.
so as you grow, make sure you are learning. whether it be about yourself, or an intense new hobby, such as knitting.
shout out to Jen Henker for instructing me to become a beast knitter, and shout out to all the other grandmas out there who are already beast knitters.
go yolo up the rest of the summer.
pp out.