Thursday, June 14, 2012

Get Your Priorities Straight

what up bloggers? summer is what's up. it's like summer is the AC in your car, and it's on full blast baby. gotcha with a summer pun there. when i think of summer, i think lazy, go with the flow, sleep in, party all day, party all night, say you wanna party? let's party alright. and that's exactly what i have been doing.  i sleep in until noon every day, and then stuff my face with toast and other goodies that make me gain massive amounts of weight. stop, hold it. i guess there is one problem with summer. weight gainage.

see, in high school i was very active in many intense sports and the even more intense, advanced physical education. shout out to Jarrod Holmgren who just loves pe. anyway, this activeness kept me in good enough shape to eat whatever i please. plus, the barf inducing school lunches kept me on a pretty strict diet of chicken during the day. but now, as i have grown up and moved away from these privilages, and continue to stuff my face, i have come to the realization that i am gaining weight as fast as a cat jumps out of a lake of dogs. because one, cats don't like dogs, and two, they don't like lakes.

this weight gainage is coming upon me because of two reasons,
1) my love of food is greater than my fear of becoming obese
2) my laziness syndrome trumphs my fear of becoming obese
therefore, my love of food and my laziness syndrome will continue to make my fattness grow, and frankly, i'm a little scared, but not scared enough.

i guess we will see what happens. see if i get any motivation this summer. i better start now because bethel's cafeteria is the bomb diggity. they have a saying up there, "instead of gaining the freshman 15, bethel students gain the freshman 45." uh oh.

so i guess the point of this blog is to get your priorities straight. today, food is number one on my list, and laziness is second. but who knows what tomorrow will hold..?

pp out.

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